Exhibitions and Events

Interview with Kim on CBC- Saskatchewan Weekend with Shauna Powers



Saskatewan Aboriginal Storytelling

2019,  2022, 2023, 2024. Library Services For Saskatchewan




Lakota Lineage

April 25 to May 31, 2018 – Shurniak Art Gallery  

Acrylic on Canvas, 16 x 40″




Ribbon Workshop

October 19, 20, 21 and 28, 2018Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery Ribbon Workshops

Vancouver Island Children’s Book Festival

Saturday May 12, 2018


Takuwe An Educational Art Exhibit about the Wounded Knee Massacre

March 16 – May 19 2018 – The Heritage Center |  June to October 2018Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center , South Dakota | Nov 2018 to Jan 2019South Dakota Art Museum


Abstracting my Ancestral Land

January 2016 – April 2016      Wanuskewin Heritage Park
