Educators have referred to the ABC book for the completion of their post secondary degrees.
The first edition of the ABC’s of Our Spiritual Connection won the CHILDREN’S CHOICE AWARD!
This book has been added to numerous Teaching Resource lists.
The B.C Library Association (YAACING) did a wonderful presentation of the ABC book too!
The traditional Teachings and today’s teachings in the ABC book are to be shared with ALL people.

AGES 4 to 40 (must be read to young children)

also an accompanying colouring book  

The ABC’s of Our Spiritual Connection threads many First Nations’ Spiritual beliefs across North America.Our Cultural collective is rich with beauty, wisdom and Spirit. We have so much to be proud of!Traditional teachings that have stood the test of time…even when many of the teachings were outlawed, they have survived!

Sesame Street aired the ABC’s for a few years.
WAKANHEJA the Aboriginal Puppet show was based on the ABC book as well.

Many schools, reserves, community libraries,
Head Start programs and teacher’s college’s
across North America have the ABC’s of Our Spiritual Connection in their library collections.


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 ISBN 0-9781823-0-8   978-0-9781823-0-4